The Ultimate Transformation Challenge Blog

Only at Fit for Life in Marlboro, NJ

Monday, June 22, 2009

Women day 50, Tues June 23


  1. I will be posting the woman's leader board later today.

  2. Sat 6/20 HCD
    9:30 boot camp (3 rounds)
    11:00 vegetable omelette; wheat toast; 2 thin slices lox
    12:00 handfull of berries
    3:00 1.5 scoops protein
    6;00 filet mignon, salad
    11:00 1.5 scoops protein

    Sun 6/21 LCD
    9:15 workout with you
    11:00 5 egg white omelette, 2 cucumbers
    3:00 1 cont chicken kebob, salad with balsamic
    7;00 1 cont tilapia broiled with lemon and vinegar, salad

    Mon 6/22 LCD,
    8:00 2 slices EZK, 1 tbs AB
    10:30 6 egg white omelette, 1 cucumber
    12 bag of peppers and carrots
    1:30 2 chicken sausage links, no casing broiled, salad 1 tbs Olive oil, balsamic
    630 chicken burger, salad with balsamic, 1 tbsp olive oil
    9:30 1 tbs AB, tea

  3. LO CARB
    6:30 4 eggs 1 yolk 5FG/1ez brd/1/2 tbsp pb 4FG

    8-9 strength trained

    9:30 protein shake NO FATS

    12:00 1/2 cont. chicken/10 almonds 7FG/vegges

    3:00 1/2 cont. chicken/veggies/1 ez brd/ 1/2 tbsp pb 4FG CARBS DONE

    6:30 1/2 cont turkey/veggies 8FG

    9:30 protein shake 1 1/2 TBSP PB 12 FG

  4. High Carb Day

    9:30 banana w/ 2 tbsp PB

    12:30 1/2 container ground turkey w/pepper & onion; 1/2 container sweet potatoe; 1/2 container asparagus

    3:00 large salad w/ 1/2 container tomatoe (c), egg yolk, 2 tbsp balsamic/1 tbsp olive oil

    5:30 - 6:30 TBC

    7:30 full container of ground turkey, 1/2 container sweet potatoe, 1/2 container asparagus

    10:00 Dream Protein (2 scoops)

    Quart size bag of raw veggies (colored peppers, radishes, cukes, carrots), almost gallon of water

  5. High Carb
    8 1 cont brown rice cereal, 1 cont blackberries
    10 1 cont turkey, red peppers
    1 green beans
    3 .5 cont tuna, 1tbs saff mayo (11g), 1 slice Ezekiel bread, 1tbs almond butter (8g)
    7 1 cont ground turkey, eggplant
    8 23 almonds (15g), green tea

  6. High Carb Day,
    8 1 slice ezekiel; 2 tbsp almond butter (16gf); coffee
    10 fruit
    11:30 1 container oats (6oz); 30g Harmonized protein; unsweetened cocoa powder;green tea
    2p 1 container sauted chicken sausage w/spinach & macadamia nut oil (3gf); cucumber; string beans
    4p 30g Harmonized protein
    5:15 upper body workout
    7p 1 container egg salad (1 yolk 6gf) w/saf.mayo (4gf)
    8:30 1 tbsp almand butter (8gf); green tea

  7. 7:00 1 slice ezeikel w/ 1 tbs almond butter (8g fat)
    9:30 protein shake (1/2 carb, 1/2 protein)
    12:00 1 container egg whites, turkey sausage, 1 container mixed veggies, 1/2 ww tortilla, 1/2 avocado (15g fat)
    2:00 1/2 cup coffee, 2 tbs half/half, 1 sugar
    4:00 2 cups popcorn (from movie theatre)
    6:00 1 container egg whites, turkey sausage, 1 container mixed veggies, 1 piece chocolate, 1 bite pizza

    I know disastrous! This wasn't supposed to be a cheat day but it is now. Cannot wait to weigh myself tomorrow.

  8. Tue 6/23 HCD

    8:00 1 small apricot; 3 strawberries
    9:00 6 oz. oatmeal
    11:00 1 tbs AB (8gf); green tea
    1:00 1 cont. sword fish grilled, 1 tbs basting oil (14gf), 2 cucumbers and 1/2 cont string beans
    6:30 3 scoops protein shake
    8:30 1 cont chicken burger
    9:00 1 tbs AB (8gf); green tea


    9:00 2 slices of E.bread, container of smoked salmon, bag of cucumbers and raw peppers

    11:00 20 almonds (14g.fat)

    1:00 container of ground turkey, bag of snap peas

    5:30 container of shrimp and pieces of salmon with snow peas

    9:00 20 almonds (14g.fat)

  10. Sorry I haven't blogged...traveled all weekend and was out late last night. Did fine on diet yesterday and "rejuvinated" on the weekend

    High Carb Day

    7:30am: 2 slices protein bread, 1 1/2tbsp pb (13GF), banana and protein shake

    11:00pm: bag of celery

    1:00pm: 2 slices whole wheat... similar stats, 1/2 container tuna, vegi mayo (7GF)

    3:30pm: sled and upper body

    5:00pm: bag of carrots, serving of nuts (14GF)

    5:30pm: protein shake

    7:00pm: container of cubed chicken with green curry... Salad with balsmic and oil (7GF)

  11. Lisa, ok. you may want to wait to weigh yourself.

  12. Lina, good job. Tom says, "thank you for the smoked salmon."

  13. Forgot that I ate the other 1/2 container tuna at 5.

  14. Anitra, you could have a protein shake still. .5 container protein missing.

  15. Hi Jody , sorry i haven't blogged i been sick with the flu!!!
    7:00am protien shake with 2 table spoon of cashew butter
    9:00am 20 almonds
    12:00pm eggplant with light sauce 2 slice ezekel bread
    2:00pm 1 container cut steamed greenbeans
    5:00pm 1 cont. stringbeans
    8:00pm grilled eggplant with 1 turkey burger
    10pm 1 tablespoon cashew butter

  16. almonds (15 g fat)
    .75 protien
    salad w/ lemon
    grilled chicken (1.25 cont)
    green peppers
    2 ezekial tortilla (1 cont carb)
    grilled shrimp (1 cont prot)
    black beans (.25 cont carb)
    guacomole (25 g fat)
    peppers onions
