The Ultimate Transformation Challenge Blog

Only at Fit for Life in Marlboro, NJ

Friday, May 8, 2009

Ladies and gentlemen a math lesson... please read

Most of you have been getting on the scale already (which I didn't advise)... most of you are happy with what you are seeing and some are not and honestly I don't care either way (for MANY reasons). Jody and I won't care what your body is doing weight-wise until after 2 weeks. Right now you have finished day 4 so let's look carefully at a couple things to put your mind at ease (IF you gained weight).
Women - you are only eating 2000 calories per day, 40% of that is coming from protein which means net calories at end of the day is less than 1700 calories. It takes 3500 calories to gain a single pound... so assuming you are a corpse, it would take 4 days to gain less than 2 pounds. Since all of you are alive, move, maintain a body temperature of 98.6 degrees, digest, breathe, (even exercise)... ALL of those things burn calories; therefore, if you think you gained even a single pound in 4 days then reconsider what is ACTUALLY happening.
Some of you MAY put weight on in the first 4 days if:
1) You have been perpetually dehydrated and are now drinking more water (which you MUST) - this is a temporary weight gain and as you drink more water over time you will actually retain WAY less water. Despite popular belief water is the BEST diuretic. If you don't want to be bloated then drink more water for 2 weeks and see waht happens at the end. Water also helps your body get rid of fat... that is a FACT.
2) If you are used to a very low carb diet (carbs retain WATER... not fat). Water is not fat.
3) If you are a woman and you are about to get your period... Jody is good for 2-3 pounds during this time.
4) If you are used to eating like a bird then over the course of 2 weeks (not 4 days) you MAY gain a bit of weight... IF you do, then that is a VERY GOOD thing because it meant your body's metabolism was pathetically low and now that we have a baseline it will be VERY easy to adjust over the next 14 weeks; which is when Jody and I will be VERY involved with what your scale is doing.
Please re-read the goals of phase 1... only 1 of the 9 goals is weight loss. I guarantee that once we get to the end of phase one (more than 3 weeks away) you will be more than happy with the cumulative result. Right now, just trust what we are saying and don't get involved with how you are interpreting the scale. Similar - some of you think you are dropping crazy amounts of weight... you aren't. Right now your body is adjusting to what we are doing (water adjustments mostly)... that is why this process takes 2 weeks. Stay the course and everyone is doing great so far. FYI - my goal is to drop 16 pounds in 16 weeks... that is insanely lean for me and my body will fight that as we get toward phases 3 and 4... many of you can expect to drop 30, 40 pounds depending on where you are starting from and what your metabolism is doing. After 2 weeks Jody and I will tell you realistic goals for your body weight at the end of this. Many of you will think it is impossible to get as lean as we say you can get, but if you trust us and follow us you will get there 100% for sure.

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