The Ultimate Transformation Challenge Blog

Only at Fit for Life in Marlboro, NJ

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

men and women day 59, tues nov 17


  1. 9:00 protein shake (1 scoop, flax, banana, cinamin)

    10:30 Contaienr of Cucumbers

    12:30 1 cont of Shrimp / Salad

    1:30 1 Cont Shrimp / Salad

    2:00 Workout

    5:00 Salad

    8:00 Protein Shake

    9 Fish Oil Pills throughout day

  2. 25 HIIT, pineapple, 1 scoop protein powder, .5 container chicken saus no casing, 1 container salmon, salad, pepper, 2 servings pb!!

  3. NO CARB: 6:45 banana, 7:15 back & bi, 8:45 2 scoop protein shake, 10:15 9 egg whites 3 yolk, red pepper, 1:30 power 90 dvd work out 42min, 3:00 container chicken, broccoli, 6:30 23 almonds, 9:00 container sirlion w/ spinach salad & beats, 1tbs extra vig. olive oil..PROTEIN-3, CARBS-0, FRUIT-1, FAT-46G.. Weight is 2lbs more the last 4 days (184 lbs)

  4. Low carb: 1 hour cardiofusion
    1 scoop protein shake, banana, 1 TB pb
    1 slice ek bread with 1 tsp ab
    spinach salad with 1/2 cont. tuna, oil, vinegar
    red bell pepper
    flank steak
    1 c. brown rice pasta

  5. Kevin, its always a good idea to not weigh yourself until around wed after a cheat meal on the weekend. Drink a ton of water. Youre probably just retaining fluid from the salty cheat meal.
