The Ultimate Transformation Challenge Blog

Only at Fit for Life in Marlboro, NJ

Friday, September 25, 2009

Men Day 6, Friday September 25th

Reminder - blog will be taken off of website so please save the blog to your favorites or write down the blog site... here it is again:

4:45 a.m. 2 slice hemp seed bread, Harmonized Protein, Greens First, 1/2 serving almond butter, apple
7-8:15 a.m. Upper body workout (post workout drink 20 carbs, 20 protein)
8:30 a.m. 3 poached in a bowl, 3 yolks, green tea
Lunch - will be Kathy's salad with extra grilled chicken, green tea
1 containers wild rice
1 container chicken
rest of fats - 23 almonds, 2 tablespoons olive oil on salad
fruit - mango
Dinner tonight will be chicken sausages and veggies


  1. Hi Tom, here is my menu for today:

    7:30 raspberries, 10 cashews
    9:00 workout with Steve
    10:00 NutraCore
    11:30 1 banana
    12:30 1 container of buckwheat
    1:30 1/2 container steamed chicken, steamed green veggies - including spinach, broccoli, baby bok-choy
    4:30 1/2 container steamed chicken, 1 container of brown rice
    7:00 1 container of turkey sausages, 1 container of raw shredded cabbage, carrots 1 tsp grape seed oil
    8:30 15 almonds

    1 cup of white tea

    70oz of water

  2. 5 hard boiled eggs (ate only 2 yokes)
    decalf tea
    banana and one slice z bread

    I brought an orange to work
    lunch I have chicken veg soup but don't feel much like eating

    dinner I have roast beef with a sweet potatoe
    hope I can keep it down. Angry I missed this morning workout

  3. I refuse to eat at night. Its been hard but I am breaking the 20 year routine once and for all.

  4. 7:30 Hemp bagel, new whey protein
    9:30 Banana
    11:25 oatmeal with ground flax seeds
    23 raw almonds
    12:30 salmon on a salad
    later will have brown rice and another new whey protein 42 grams protein, about 1 hour before weight workout.
    Expect dinner to be some protein, salad and veggies
    drinking water througout the day.
    why would you have a promotion for Jillian Roberts biggest loser weight loss on your blog?

  5. Banana

    6 egg beater omelette / 2 oz of salmon

    2 slice ezikel bread

    Tuna Salad

    Brown Rice

  6. 7:00- 4 egg white omelet w/ 1 slice turkey; 1-slice ezekial w/ almond butter; 11:00 23-almonds; 1:30 salmon with spinach and asparagus; dinner will be roasted chicken with veges and spinach and beans...this is not as hard as I thought..curious how much weight is lost(if any)...when should we weigh in?? anyway, looking forward to weekend workout

  7. Brian, hope you are feeling better, missed a good one this morning... as you get your appetite back be sure to eat ALL the food I'm asking you to eat. If you still are not feeling well DO NOT force it.

  8. Aaron - I can't control the advertisements that pop up on this blog. It's a free blog and this is how they make money. Good menu by the way.

  9. Bryan, make sure you get 2 pieces of fruit... did you get my last e-mail to you regarding making sure you eat ALL the food?

  10. Bob, you can weigh-in the morning BEFORE your cheat meal night... if you choose to not have cheat meals, then weigh-in Sunday morning.

  11. 4:50 2 scoop protien, 5:30 banana, 23 almonds, 8:40 4 egg whites 1 yoke, 1 ezkiel w/ almond butter, 9:50 apple, 1 ezkiel w/ almond butter, 10:50 1/2 cucumber, 12:45 tuna w/ spinach salad, container whole wheat pasta w/ extre vig olive oil, 3:00 green pepper, 4:30 protien shake, 1 ezkiel bread, 5:15 chest & tri, 6:20 banana w/ 2 scoop protien shake, 7:20 1h 20min karate class, 9:00 sirlion steak w/ veg.

  12. 7:30 small nectarine small plum
    10:30 varios slow cooked veggies(Broccoli, Cauli, Onions, Garlick)
    1:30 Tuna Nicoise Salad (5oz of tuna and various lettuce no dressing)
    6:00 30 min eliptical 340 cal burned
    7:30 5oz of brown rice 5 oz of shrimp and 9oz of various tuna
    90oz of water

  13. also biked 10 miles for first time since May--My legs make me feel like FDR--Off to buy dumbells for home --see you later and have a great night
