The Ultimate Transformation Challenge Blog

Only at Fit for Life in Marlboro, NJ

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Women day 62, Sunday July 5

Hope everyone enjoyed Their July 4th celebrations. There are quite a few of you that are not blogging on a daily basis. BAD idea. It keeps you honest. I would start again immediately.


  1. My low carb day:

    protein shake with bananna, greens powder and flaxseed oil.

    kettlebell class and prowler sprints after class

    container of egg whites 2 yolks, 2 slices rye bread lettuce and tomato

    .5 container turkey meat, spinach 10 almonds

    .5 container tilpia spinach or salad

    protein shake greens powder flaxseed oil

  2. I am hearing from some of you that you are not losing as much weight as you would like to. Then in another breathe you are saying that everyone around you comments on how much weight you must have lost and how great you look. Try not to dwell so much on the scale. Your body composition is changing. You are gaining muscle (which weighs more than fat) because you are eating the proper nutrients. You cannot build muscle if you aren't eating enough protein.

    I, on the other hand don't think that everyone is following the program and may be cheating a little bit more then they let on. In some cases I find it almost impossible to not be losing any weight while following this to the letter. It could be not enough excercise or there could be more snacking going on then you are admitting. if this is going on Tom and I really need to know. You are hurting yourself and not doing me and Tom any favors as well.

  3. I have a client that started the program at 161 and is now 143. I personally weigh here every week. (she has a fear of the scale) 18 pounds lost! I asked her why some people are not losing. She said all she knows is that she never cheats and eats exactly what she writes down.

  4. LO-CARB
    5:30 4 eggs 1 yolk 5FG, red pepper 5FG
    7-8 strength trained
    9:30 protein shake with blue berries & straw berries
    12: 3/4 cont chicken/with red swiss char wilted
    2 egg whites
    lots celery, carrots
    11 almonds 7 FG 1/2 tbsp pb 4FG
    4:30 whole container salmon 20FG over spinach salad

    late protein shake 1 tbsp pb

    I realize I am 1/2 over on protein today, veggies weren't enough today, running around alot with kids, not used to that! And I figured it is better to have shake before bed?? than nothing? let me know.

    Thanks hope everyone had a GREAT weekend :-)

  5. Low carb
    Strength Cardio Workout
    3 egg white, 1yolk omelet w spinach & broccoli ½ slice of whole wheat bread
    Walk w the dog
    Red peppers, ½ oz mixed nuts (7g)
    Spinach, broccoli salad, 1 cont ground turkey, eggplant, .75 cont brown rice, 2tbs tahini lemon dressing (14 g),
    ¼ cup sunflower seeds (15g)


    6AM Protein shake/with 1/4 banana 1/2 cup blueberries/1 TBSP pb 8FG

    9:30 1/2 container hardboiled egg whites


    12:30 1/2 container chicken/veggies

    3:30 1/2 container same egg/veggies

    6:30 1/2 container chicken over spinach salad 1/2 tbsp flax/rasp vin


    9:30 protein shake/1 TBSP pb 8 FG

    raw veggies/celery/peppers/cukes
    23 almonds 14FG

  7. Lo carb

    2 sc protein shake
    1.25 cont shrimp salad (15 g fat)
    1 ezekial tortilla (.5 carb)
    95/5 sirloin patty
    .5 ezekial bun
    peanuts (15g fat)

    little low on the protein today

  8. Monday High Carb Day

    10:40 1/2 banana, 1 tbs pb (8g fat)
    12:00 5 eggs, 1 yolk 5g fat, sauteed spinach, garlic, 1/2 container sweet potatoe, almond oil (16g fat)
    2:00 berries
    5:00 1/2 container shrimp
    6:00 1 container shrimp, 1/2 container artichoke pasta, broccoli, olive oil 16 grams fat

  9. Monday

    Low Carb

    9:30 container of egg salad with canola oil (14g.fat), bag of cucumbers and raw pepper

    11:00 20 almonds (14g.fat)

    1:00 container of turkey burger, bag of raw sugar snaps

    3:00 large salad w/balsamic vinegar

    6:00 container grilled chicken, container of baked sweet potato fries

    8:00 20 almonds (14g.fat)

  10. lo carb
    handful berries

    3 scallops, and chicken sausage

    1 lean burger, no bun with steamed string beans and 1 cucumber

    chicken sausage and peppers stir fry, 1 tbs olive oil; cabbage, cucumber and scallion shredded with red wine vinegar (salad)

    20 almonds

  11. hi Jody , hope you had a nice 4th
    7am 4 eggwhites
    9am 29 almonds
    12:00pm 1 cont. brownrice with lentils and steamed stringbeans
    2:00 almonds
    4:00pm steamed stringbeans
    6:00 mixed salad with chicken in the oven and mixed vegtables
    9:00pm protein shake with 1 tablespoon almond butter

  12. Cristina, welcome back. Glad you're feeling better. Looks good.

  13. Val, on your low carb days especially make sure you are getting enough fat because you will feel like crap if not. Everything else looks good. Weigh yourself on wed. You looked really good last time i saw you.

  14. Lisa, good job. Great workout today.

  15. Terry and Donna, when you are low on protein by the end of the day you can always have a shake.

  16. Terry, day looked good otherwise.
